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Las Poker - Thrash & Roll Trip ★★★☆☆

Thrash Minister

January keeps on giving! This Columbian trio of ass kickers will take you to a trip of kicking ass!




★★★☆☆ THEMES





★★★☆☆ GOOD SH!T

Heavy, gnarly riffing aplenty with an eye for the ol' body stomp before grabbing you by the hair and throwing you into the wall. Las Poker instigates a very rock & roll attitude and behaves like a thoroughbred thrasher.

Thrash & Roll Trip is under 25 minutes. There isn't that much width to it but there's a laser focus on what they're about: to have a thrashin' good time! Throaty vocals of Laura Angulo take no prisoners and Luz Silva on drums will get your blood pumping. The shreddage is suitably brief to fit the songs and give room to the delicious bass of Paola Rodriguez Panizza.

Las Poker band photo
Ready for some ass kickin'!?
Madness ensues!

The album opens up with perhaps its most varied song and introduces all the elements therein; huge stomp will make you bang your head as you catch your breath before jumping back into the pit as the thrash gallop hits. 'Bastard Fucking Priest' reminds me of Anthrax with its out-of-nowhere melodic segments paced with sheer craziness.

One moment the band is punkishly light and even playful with mood - and a second after the shrieking vocals will stop your heart. There's appropriate guitarwork to suit the occasion and more than few instances where sh!t just sticks and you want to come back sooner than later.

An anarchistic fist up into the mouldy eye of the society!

I don't mind the abruptness of the album but the whole does come across somewhat jumbled. There's also some discrepancy in the sound between the songs and it peaks on 'Let's Party' which sounds like a live track. This has clearly been made over a long span of time - its because of that that this can on occasion leave a slight taste of "demo effect" in your mouth.

Thrash & Roll Trip is in a way super straightforward but exists as an interesting cocktail of different twangs of Thrash Metal. Around the core there's a hefty dose of Punk, few pinches of melodic Heavy and with a little more sharper bite into the guitar sound this would've been Blackened Thrash Metal even. Las Poker certainly made it into my radar and I'm damn excited to see what's coming next!

Good sh!t

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